My favorite links!

Wednesday, December 27, 2017

I seem to have gotten a referral on that only clicked 11 times then never clicked again. It seems that all of my referrals come from Youtube. I still get views on this site, but it's mostly from people that watched my Youtube videos then saw my blog in the description. It seems that it's possible to get referrals on Youtube, but the problem is trying to find ways to get active referrals. Most of the referrals I get never click, or click only one or two times and then never login again.

I have sold zero ebooks so far. I am going to be soon making videos that will promote them. Though I think that even if I promote those ebooks, they will still have a total of zero sales regardless of what I do. It seems that the main thing that affects success with referrals and ebook sales is having a lot of Youtube views. It seems it all depends on Youtube and how lucky I am with getting views.

Concerning Youtube, I seem to be getting constant account strikes. It seems to be about posting repetitive content not being allowed and not allowing people to use Youtube to redirect people to another site. I don't really show the urls of other websites on my titles anymore and I stopped doing variations of instructions for the same websites, and I have been appealing these account strikes. For the past two times this has happened, the appeals were successful and I am back to zero strikes again. Given these account strikes, I wonder how I will make newer videos and how I will make videos that will not be struck with these account strikes, so I am really finding it hard to think of making five videos that Youtube will not have a problem with. Explaining the same websites over and over seems to not be allowed, and posting constant payment proofs seems to not be allowed either. I understand constantly explaining the same website to be against the Youtube terms, but I don't see how posting payment proofs is not acceptable. It's just showing that I have always been getting paid by the main sites I use. Thankfully, my appeals worked, but I am probably not going to upload the same things again, since Youtube seems to have a problem with both things. Now I am really finding it hard to think of videos about making money that Youtube will find acceptable.

Also concerning Youtube, I need to find better ways to present text. Plain white text on a black background might not be interesting to viewers if I show the same format hundreds and hundreds of times. I am not sure how to remedy this, since this is the only way to show text in videos using the video editor I use.

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