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Wednesday, December 27, 2017

I already have a account. I think it would be great for me to get paid in bitcoins in the future. This is because it is way easier to verify a account than a payza account. If I get paid in Bitcoins, I will just send those bitcoins to my bitcoin wallet and then forward the contents to my account and then be able to convert those bitcoins to pesos and then send them to my peso savings account. That would be great. If I can find more sites that pay via Bitcoin and then get to verify my account, I would be able to bypass payza altogether and also be able to bypass the payza to paypal online exchanger I use altogether. This is especially helpful since the payza to paypal exchanger I use has a limit of 1,500 dollars in transfers for an unverified account. I have no idea how to verify that online exchanger I use since it is a foreign site and I don't think it would accept an SSS ID.

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