My favorite links!

Wednesday, January 13, 2021

 There were two recent Ysense surveys that disqualified me.

I was able to request a cashout on Toluna yesterday since around three surveys paid me. I will probably receive the money after a month.

I didn't get any ad clicks or ebook sales or new referrals or donations or job offers when I woke up.

I am going to upload new videos to Youtube after about two days. After two days it will be a week since I uploaded a video.

I have 31 cents on right now. I will get to cashout there once I reach 1 dollar. I'm not very active there so I don't earn much there.

Right now I have 72 cents on Paidverts. I will buy advertising there once I reach 1 dollar there.

This blog has gotten 99 views this month so far. Last month this blog got around 120+ views total.

I still have 3.63 dollars on Ysense since surveys there haven't paid me anything yet this month.

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