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Monday, January 11, 2021

 Toluna has an issue right now where the surveys don't load. I have 7500 points in offered surveys there but I can't access them.

Ysense still has not given me any surveys this month. Normally paying surveys arrive by the second week of a month. There might be errors on that website too like Toluna since it seems that survey sites are having errors right now.

My second Youtube channel is now at 3500+ views. My main channel is I think at around 5300+ views. My new video on my main channel has one view while the new video on my second channel has zero views.

This blog has gotten 92 views this month so far. Normally this blog gets around 150+ views per month so I will see how it goes. Last month this blog got 120+ views total.

I have 15 cents on Timebucks right now. I earn around 2 dollars a month there roughly so I will get to cashout there after five months.

I have 68 cents on Paidverts right now. I will get to 1 dollar there after about three more weeks. I am planning to use that one dollar to buy advertising there for a website I made.

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