My favorite links!

Monday, January 4, 2021

I received another one of those emails telling me that they accessed my browsing history and my webcam and will paste the two together and send it to all my contacts if I don't send money. Basically, the whole world knows my browsing history, email contents, and webcam data anyway and discuss them around me anywhere I go, so that's just another ordinary day for me. Plus I don't really have any salvageable reputation to ruin among my "contacts" anyway. So I just deleted the email. 

I'm pretty sure this blog got 78 views this month so far. The biggest spike in views this month so far happened on January 1.

I didn't get any ad clicks, donations, ebook sales, or new followers or anything when I woke up.

I am at 9.96 dollars on Timebucks right now and I will get to cashout in about four days even without surveys.

Right now I have 6,200 points on Toluna. There will probably be paying surveys there by next week.

I'm just waiting to receive ads from paidverts. They will arrrive after around an hour.

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