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Friday, January 22, 2021

 Coinpot has officially announced that it is closing. With its closure, other faucets will soon close too. One way or another, all the faucets will be affected by Coinpot closing, which is the biggest faucet in the world, and faucets will be a thing of the past. Ideally a new earning method will replace them which is just as easy to earn money from.

I earned 81 cents this month from Ysense since 1 survey recently paid me. I will probably have to wait until next month to be paid there again.

I now have 12000 points on Toluna since a recent survey paid me.

A pollfish survey paid me on Timebucks so I have 1.97 dollars there now. I need to earn 10 dollars there to cashout.

I think I changed my mind and will still try a high-risk investment I was planning on investing in.

I was able to upload new videos to Youtube. They both have zero views right now.

This blog has gotten 170+ views this month. This is mostly because of view counts on really old posts.

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