This blog has received 75 views total this month. It seems there was a large spike in views at around January 1.
I have 9.96 dollars on Timebucks right now. I will get to cashout after four days even if there are no surveys. I received around 8 cents in disqualification points recently so I reached 9.96 dollars from 9.80+ dollars a few days ago.
My latest videos on Youtube still have zero views so far. As I said, I am planning on uploading at least weekly for both channels. I think my main channel will hit 5,300+ views soon.
This blog might reach 10,000 views soon. Since I seem to average around 100 views per month I might reach 10,000 views after six months.
There's no paidverts ads right now since it's a weekend. The site only pays on weekdays. I already have a website prepared that I will advertise there once I reach 1 dollar in cash there. Right now I have 50 cents there.
I have 3.63 dollars on Ysense right now. I seem to average 3 dollars a month there so I might get to cashout after 3 more months.
Right now I have 30 cents on I can cashout there once I reach 1 dollar. I am usually not active there so I earn there pretty slowly.