My favorite links!

Sunday, September 20, 2020

 There were 2 surveys offered to me earlier that disqualified me. They didn't give any disqualification points.

One Ysense survey wouldn't load the end screen so it wasn't able to display that I got paid. Since it wasn't loading I tried to reload the browser but the end page was different already. I have been waiting to get paid by that survey regardless but I didn't get paid for it.

I have 1.65 dollars on Timebucks right now. I might reach 2 dollars there soon.

I still have 17000 points on Toluna. So far the surveys have been disqualifying me.

I only need 6 more cents to cashout a dollar on paidverts. Since I get paid 2 cents every weekday there I might get to cashout by Wednesday next week.

This blog got 97 views so far for this month. There were many views that came the past few days. On one day I got 22 views and the next day I got 15 views.

I didn't get any job offers or new referrals or donations or ebook sales or ad clicks or anything when I woke up.

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