My favorite links!

Tuesday, September 29, 2020

 I now have about 2.60 dollars on Timebucks. This is mostly due to completing non-survey offers, like using the search bar.

I still have 6.91 dollars on Ysense. There will probably be more surveys available next month. The total I earned there this month is 3.75 dollars.

I still have 2200 points on Toluna. I'm sure there will be surveys available there by next month. I think I was able to cashout twice there this month, so I earned 10 dollars there for this month.

I recently received a cashout of 250 pesos from Lifepoints. I still need 100 more points to get another cashout.

This blog received 120+ total views for this month. Last month, it received 160+ views.

I now have 3100+ views on my second youtube channel. On my main channel,  I might reach 5100+ views soon.

I didn't receive any donations or ad clicks or job offers or ebook sales or new followers or new referrals or anything when I woke up.

Monday, September 28, 2020

I just received a text that I won 230 thousand dollars, so I deleted the message.

I also received another email telling me they want a salary for editing my videos. Instead of replying that I am looking for a job and cannot afford to pay people a salary, I just deleted the email.

I was able to upload a video on Youtube thanking the viewers for giving me 5000+ views.

I have 2000 points on Toluna right now after a recent cashout of 250 pesos. I will receive the money after three weeks.

I have 6.90 dollars on Ysense right now. The total I earned there this month is around 3.75 dollars.

I need 100 more lifepoints to cashout from lifepoints.

I might make a video on my second channel celebrating 3000+ views. In the future I might make my main channel purely a money-making channel while everything else gets uploaded to my second channel.

I have 6 cents on Paidverts right now. I might actually buy advertising there in the future. I'm just afraid that the site will close before I gain my investment back, which happened to a lot of the websites I invested in.

Friday, September 25, 2020

 I was just paid by 2 surveys. Lifepoints paid me 100 points for a survey while Toluna paid me 5000 points for a survey. Because of that I can cashout from Toluna already since I have 22000 points there now. Meanwhile I need 100 or so more points to cashout from Lifepoints.

I was able to request a cashout from Paidverts. The tax for the cashout was 29 cents so I received 71 cents from the 1 dollar I cashed out. I decided to cashout there instead of buying advertising.

I now have 6.36 dollars on Ysense. There was a survey that paid me 99 cents there a few days ago so I received around 3 dollars from Ysense for the month of September. I don't think I will receive any more surveys there for this month.

I am now going to upload new videos to my Youtube channels since my last upload on them was a month ago.

I didn't receive any new referrals or new followers or ebook sales or donations or ad clicks or job offers or anything when I woke up.

Monday, September 21, 2020

 There were two Timebucks surveys that disqualified me recently. One of them gave disqualification points and the other had a different end page and didn't give any disqualification points. There's a new feature there of getting paid to search so I am going to try that later.

I just checked my Ysense and Toluna accounts for surveys.

I earned another 2 cents on paidverts so I have 96 or so cents there now. I might get to cashout there by this month but there are taxes everyday on your account there too so I might end up cashing out by next month.

I might be able to cashout from two sites after two months.

Sunday, September 20, 2020

 I was just paid 7 cents by a Timebucks survey, so I have 1.76 dollars there now. I will probably reach 2 dollars there very soon.

I still have 5.37 dollars total on Ysense. It looks like 2.15 dollars is all I will earn for September there.

I will earn another 2 cents on Paidverts later. I will probably get to cashout there by next month.

I need 40 more lifepoints to cashout again on Lifepoints. I already received my last cashout there, which was 250 pesos.

I currently have 17000 points on Toluna. I need 3000 more points to cashout there, which is 1-2 surveys.

This blog has gotten 100 views so far this month.

I am going to upload new videos to my Youtube channels after two weeks.

I didn't get any new referrals or ebook sales or job offers or donations when I woke up.

 There were 2 surveys offered to me earlier that disqualified me. They didn't give any disqualification points.

One Ysense survey wouldn't load the end screen so it wasn't able to display that I got paid. Since it wasn't loading I tried to reload the browser but the end page was different already. I have been waiting to get paid by that survey regardless but I didn't get paid for it.

I have 1.65 dollars on Timebucks right now. I might reach 2 dollars there soon.

I still have 17000 points on Toluna. So far the surveys have been disqualifying me.

I only need 6 more cents to cashout a dollar on paidverts. Since I get paid 2 cents every weekday there I might get to cashout by Wednesday next week.

This blog got 97 views so far for this month. There were many views that came the past few days. On one day I got 22 views and the next day I got 15 views.

I didn't get any job offers or new referrals or donations or ebook sales or ad clicks or anything when I woke up.

Friday, September 18, 2020

 I just received a cashout from lifepoints worth 250 pesos. Right now I have 240 points there, so I need 45 more points to cashout another 250 pesos.

I now have 17000 points on toluna because three or so surveys paid me. I can probably cashout after 2 or 1 more surveys.

I now have 5.37 dollars on Ysense because two more surveys paid me. As of now I earned 2 dollars there total for the month of September. Maybe there will still be more surveys there in the next two weeks,

I have 1.63 dollars on Timebucks right now. I will probably get to cashout there after seven or so months.

I am very near to a cashout on Paidverts. I think I just need 8 more cents to cashout a dollar there.

Apart from that I think I can cashout from three other sites after four months.

Monday, September 14, 2020

 I got paid a few hours ago by a lifepoints survey which paid me 60 points. After that I think I have 110 or so points there again. I also got disqualified by a few toluna surveys recently and 1 ysense survey disqualified me recently.

There were a few surveys that disqualified me on Timebucks that paid disqualification points, so I have 1.39 dollars there now.

I have 86 cents on Paidverts right now. I will probably get to cashout there by next month instead of the end of this month, since weekends don't give out any ads there.

I might be able to cashout from two other sites after three weeks.

Right now I'm averaging 60 views per month on my main Youtube channel. The most views I got in a month was 100 views per month which was a few months ago.

It's the 15th of the month right now so I'm going to click on all the websites I'm a member of so my accounts don't close from being inactive.

I didn't get any ad clicks or donations or ebook sales or new referrals or job offers or anything when I woke up.

Sunday, September 13, 2020

 I was just paid 20 pesos by a mobrog survey, so I have 61 pesos there now. I am going to check my Toluna and Ysense accounts in a while for surveys, and maybe my Timebucks account too...

I received another email telling me that their spouse died in a war and that if I help them with immigrating here and help them with paperwork, I will get a share of a 2.1 million inheritance, so I deleted the email.

I also received some replies on my Youtube comments which I addressed.

Saturday, September 12, 2020

 I was recently paid 14 cents by a Pollfish survey, so I have 1.30 dollars on Timebucks right now. Apart from that, there are also non-survey earnings there, so I think I have around 1.32 dollars there right now.

I checked my Toluna and Ysense accounts for surveys.

I have 9000 points on Toluna right now because of a survey that paid me 4000 points.

My view counts on Youtube updated a bit, but I am not sure if they are my real view counts since the youtube studio is indicating that I am getting more views than the view count shows.

 There was a Lifepoints survey that paid me 100 points recently, so I was able to reach 341 points there and request a 250 pesos cashout. Right now I have 51 points there.

There's no paidverts ads right now since there are usually no ads during the weekend. I will have to wait until Monday to receive ads again.

There were two Toluna surveys offered to me recently which disqualified me. There was also 1 Ysense survey offered to me which disqualified me.

I'm pretty sure my views on Youtube are frozen again. Last time they were unfrozen when I uploaded a new video, so I guess that will work again next time. I will upload new videos after three weeks.

This blog has gotten I think 40 views total for this month.  I mostly get a lot of views every 20th of the month, so I will see how many views I have by then.

I didn't get any new referrals or ad clicks or donations or ebook sales or job offers when I woke up.

Friday, September 11, 2020

 I was paid by 2 surveys on timebucks recently, one of them being a pollfish survey, so I have 1.14 dollars there now. I might be able to cashout there after four months at this rate.

Lifepoints keeps telling me that there's a survey available, but when I check my account, there's no surveys available. I might be able to cashout there by next month.

I have 79 cents on Paidverts right now. I might be able to cashout there by the end of this month.

Right now I have 5110 points on Toluna because a recent survey paid me 3000 points as I said, plus a poll there paid me 15 points recently.

I still earned 79 cents total on Ysense for this month. Maybe there will be surveys paying me there next week. Last month I earned 6 dollars there.

There was a recent Mobrog survey that paid me 5 pesos so I have 41 pesos in my account there now.

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

 I was paid 3000 points by a Toluna survey recently. I now have 5000 points there, which is 1/4 of the way to a cashout.

Lifepoints took some of my points back. Maybe I didn't pass their quality checks for one survey. I was supposed to cashout again after receiving 250 pesos but I now have 250 points there instead of 300, so I can't cashout there yet.

I'm still at 79 cents earnings on Ysense for this month. It's hard to catch up to surveys there since the addon doesn't work anymore.

I now have 65 cents on Timebucks. I might reach one dollar there by this month without surveys. I need to earn 10 dollars there to cashout.

I currently have 78 cents on Paidverts. I will probably get to cashout one dollar there by the end of the month. Without buying advertising, I still earn 2 cents per day there.

Monday, September 7, 2020

 I just received an email saying that I will receive free money every month if I click a link. I deleted the email.

I then received more emails telling me to buy a membership, so I deleted those emails.

I'm waiting for a cashout from Lifepoints to arrive. After that I will be able to request another cashout.

I might be able to cashout from two websites by the end of this month.

I was given 15 points by Toluna for answering a poll. I now have 2,095 points there currently.

I have around 75 cents on paidverts right now. I might be able to cashout there by the end of the month.

I need to double the earnings I have on some websites in order to consider myself earning good money from them.

This blog has gotten 22 views so far this month. I usually get the most views on my blog every 20th of the month.

Saturday, September 5, 2020

 There were two Lifepoints surveys that paid me 200 points total yesterday. Because of that, I can request another cashout once my previous cashout there arrives.

I have not been lucky catching Ysense surveys whenever they pop up.

Right now I have 2000 points on Toluna after my recent cashout.

I have 47 cents on Timebucks right now. I might reach one dollar there soon.

I have 74 cents on Paidverts right now. I will probably get to cashout there by this month since I earn 2 cents per day there.

Friday, September 4, 2020

 I just received another Lance Tamashiro email telling me to buy a membership, so I deleted the email. I also received an email in another language telling me to buy some products. I didn't sign up to receive that advertising, so I deleted the email.

I'm going to try to find ways to earn a few more cents while I am looking for surveys to complete.

Thursday, September 3, 2020

 I was sent a message by someone wanting to trade his currency for my currency. I told him I was interested but he said he only trades 5000 dollars and up. I told him that I don't have that much money and then he didn't reply anymore.

Right now I'm just looking for surveys and other things to do to get paid.

 There was a recent Toluna survey that paid me 4000 points. Because of that, I reached 20,000 points there and can cashout another 250 pesos. I just need to wait for the cashout I already asked for to arrive.

I only need 26 more Lifepoints on Lifepoints to be able to cashout another 250 pesos.

I was able to catch a Ysense survey by chance and I was able to get paid 70 cents. Nowadays I just have to be lucky and catch up to surveys in time there since I don't have the addon anymore.

I have 42 cents on Timebucks right now. Once I reach 10 dollars, I can cashout again there.

I think I will just make a text video thanking everyone for reaching 5000 views on Youtube. I can't really think of a different video idea.

My new upload schedule on Youtube is now one video per month. Because of this I only need to make 12 videos a year.

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

 I now have 40 cents on Timebucks. I seem to earn around 2 cents a day there without surveys. I tried looking for surveys there a few hours ago.

Right now I have 3.16 dollars on Ysense. It's a lot more difficult to catch up to surveys there without the Ysense addon, so I have to be lucky and catch up to the surveys when they are offered at random times.

Right now I have 60 or so cents on Paidverts. Since I earn around 2 cents per day there, I will get to withdraw one dollar there after one month. But there is a 30 cent fee there for each withdrawal, so I will actually receive 70 cents there instead of one dollar.