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Tuesday, November 6, 2018

I didn't get any referrals, followers, ebook sales, donations, ad clicks, or job offers when I woke up.

I ended up receiving 250 pesos from Toluna yesterday. It was from surveys I completed for a few months. I think it takes me around 6 months to earn 250 pesos there. I think I stored 20,000 points there again, so I will be able to cashout there again when I login.

I also requested a cashout from Globaltestmarket last week. It will be worth 1000 pesos. I think it took me five months to earn 1000 pesos there.

I looked at the Peanutlabs router and it paid me 22 cents for a survey when I woke up. I also applied for some surveys and they disqualified me, with one survey asking me for my civil status, and I said I am single and then the survey disqualified me.

I think the stock market is on its way up again, and it might be good to sell some shares this month. From what I remember, mutual fund companies like Sunlife will be selling their shares to cashout to take a one month vacation in December, which means that stocks will probably go down in the last week of November from all the selling.

This blog now has 5,000+ views. I think one Youtube channel I have has 2,600+ views now.

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