My favorite links!

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

There were about 10 surveys that disqualified me today.

I didn't get any ebook sales, ad clicks, donations, new followers, new referrals, job offers, or anything at all today.

I might receive a cashout from one site after three weeks. There is another cashout I am waiting for that might arrive in two months.

The nearest I am to a cashout is 50 percent of the way to a cashout on one site. Apart from that site, I am 10-20 percent of the way to a cashout on other sites.

I looked at the Peanutlabs and Pollfish routers and there were no surveys available. I also tried applying for surveys and they all disqualified me.

The stock market is still low right now so it might be good to buy some shares.

There was an email telling me I will receive 3 million USD if I give my name, address, and phone number, after which they will send me a box of cash via a home delivery or something. I gave an anonymous way to donate money to me. I didn't get a reply back.

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