My favorite links!

Thursday, February 28, 2019

I was offered five Clixsense surveys today which all disqualified me. There was also a Lifepoints survey offered earlier that disqualified me and gave me 2 points.

Apparently this blog received 7 views today.

I was able to request a cashout from one site earlier and I will probably receive the money after a week.

I am going to try Cointiply and other sites again after an hour. My last roll from Cointiply was the second lowest prize so it gave me 21 points. With a loyalty bonus, it gave me 42 points in total.

I think I am over 50 percent of the way to a cashout on two sites. I will probably be able to cashout from them after three months.

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

I didn't get any ad clicks, ebook sales, donations, new referrals, job offers, or anthing when I woke up.

I might receive cashouts from two sites after two months. For other sites, I will probably require four to five months to cashout from them.

I don't think I got any new subscribers on my Youtube channels when I woke up.

I am going to play the Cointiply lottery after making this post. I am probably going to get the default prize as usual.

I received another email telling me to buy a membership, which I deleted.
There's more updates to, which seems to be the norm for them this year. All in all it just makes logging in more bothersome for me, personally.

The 2FA there requires google authenticator, and there's no option to just use a regular cellphone number to do 2FA. It requires me to connect my cellphone to the internet, which is known to be unsafe, and then have to install google authenticator after logging onto my google account with my cellphone, which is also unsafe since a cellphone is not as firewalled as a regular PC is.
I played the Cointiply lottery and Cointiply rolled the number 94,000. That's the third highest prize on that website, which gave 50 coins. I have 28,000 coins on Cointiply right now, so once I reach 35,000 coins there, I will be able to withdraw my coins on Faucethub. 35,000 coins on Cointiply are worth 3.5 dollars. Also, there is a loyalty bonus on there, so my 94,000 number drawn on Cointiply was multiplied by 2, so I ended up receiving 100 coins total from cointiply from that draw.

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

I might be able to cashout from one site after a week. There's one site that I am 75 percent of the way to a cashout on but that site has a very high minimum payout so I might take many more months to be able to cashout there.

There are three or so sites from which I will be able to cashout from after three or so months. On one site, I might be able to cashout after two or so months since I am 30 percent of the way to a cashout there.

From what I remember I received a cashout last night.
I didn't get any ebook sales, ad clicks, donations, job offers, or anything when I woke up.

Lifepoints offered a survey last night but when I checked it, I was too late so the survey was expired. I will probably have to wait for next month to receive Toluna surveys again. My account total on Clixsense is currently 97 dollars.

I am 96 percent of the way to a cashout on one site and I will probably get to cashout there after a week. Apart from that, I think I am over 50 percent of the way to a cashout on around three other sites. I am 10-20 percent of the way to a cashout on other sites.

This blog got zero views last night.

I tried the usual lotteries I play an hour ago and I got the default prizes on all of them as usual. The random bonus I got was 2 percent.

I think there are around four sites I used to logged into that are now closed. I might discuss them more if the sites aren't restored and remain permanently closed.

Monday, February 25, 2019

I didn't get any job offers, ad clicks, new referrals, ebook sales, donations, or anything when I woke up.

I was able to cashout from one site earlier. I might be able to get the money after a week. I am 94 percent of the way to a cashout on another site and I might get to cashout there after two weeks. Apart from that, I think there are two other sites in which I am more than 50 percent of the way to a cashout.

I played the usual lotteries I play and I got the default prizes as usual.

I think my main Youtube channel is at 3,200+ views now. This blog has gotten 5 or so views in one week.

Saturday, February 23, 2019

I didn't get any job offers, new referrals, ad clicks, ebook sales, or donations or anything when I woke up.

I have 690 points on Lifepoints right now. I think one survey qualified me around a week ago so it gave me 40 points.

My Toluna account is still at 18,000 points so I need to qualify for at least two more surveys to be able to withdraw there.

I might withdraw from my Clixsense account next week. I pretty much figured out a way to withdraw the money.

I am 91 percent of the way to a cashout on one site. I will probably be able to withdraw there after a week. I am waiting for a cashout on two sites. I will probably receive the money from both sites after a week.

I tried the usual lotteries I play and I got the default prizes as usual. I think I got the third lowest prize on one lottery a week ago.

I think my main Youtube channel is at 3,190 views right now. It might reach 3,200 views after two weeks. This blog got zero views yesterday.

Thursday, February 21, 2019

I am 80 percent of the way to a cashout on two sites. I might get to cashout from both sites after a month.

As I said before, I have 600 points on Lifepoints now. Lifepoints was offering surveys yesterday but the site wouldn't work so I wasn't able to get paid from those.

I am still at 18,000 points on Toluna. I will probably get to 21,000 points there next month.

I have 96 dollars on Clixsense right now. I am thinking of just withdrawing my funds there already since I don't think that site will last much longer. I already have a payment method I chose there and I guess I will go with that already.

I think I'm almost 50 percent of the way to a cashout on one site and I might get to receive the money after four months there.

I think this site got 1 view yesterday. My main Youtube channel has 3,100+ views right now.

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

I think one Youtube channel I have has 3,200+ views now. I'm not really sure, I haven't checked in a while.

This blog has 5,800+ views now if I'm not mistaken.

I might upload a few videos later just because I feel like it, so I will add more videos to my channel than I usually upload. Though I am not sure if I will push through with making the video.
I didn't get any ebook sales, donations, ad clicks, new referrals, or job offers or anything when I woke up.

There were around five Clixsense surveys offered over the past few hours which all disqualified me. Toluna paid me for a ton of surveys a week ago so I have 18,000 points there now. I need 21,000 points there to withdraw. I have 600 points on Lifepoints now since there were a few surveys that paid me recently. I need 1,100 points to cashout there.

I am 80 percent of the way to a cashout on two sites. I think I am 50 percent or so of the way to a cashout on three sites. Apart from that, I am 10-20 percent of the way to a cashout on other sites.

Friday, February 15, 2019

I didn't get any ebook sales, ad clicks, job offers, new referrals, or donations or anything when I woke up.

I think one Youtube channel I have might reach 3,200 views after a month or so. I think this blog received 11 views yesterday.

I might be able to cashout from Toluna later. As I recall they gave me about six surveys last night, so I might have reached 24,000 points there already.

There was a lifepoints survey that paid me when I woke up. It paid me 40 points, so I have 500 points there right now. I need 1,200 points or so to cashout there, so I am around 50 percent of the  way to a cashout there.

Sunday, February 10, 2019

I might receive a cashout from two sites after two weeks. Apart from that, there are three or so sites that I can probably withdraw from after three months.

I can definitely say that Clixsense, Globaltestmarket/Lifepoints, and Toluna are not scams. I think Clixsense has paid me around 8 times total. I think I've cashed out at least 5 times each from Lifepoints and Toluna.

There are a dozen or so other sites that have paid me around five times each, so I can say that those sites are not scams either. There were a few other sites that paid me many times and were not scams, but went out of business and closed so I was not able to withdraw my last earnings from them. So even non-scam sites are pretty risky to invest in since they can close their website anytime they want.

Saturday, February 9, 2019

I didn't get any ebook sales, donations, ad clicks, new referrals, or job offers or anything when I woke up.

I think I received another email again yesterday wanting to sell me some websites. I can't really afford to do that right now. I might consider it after a few years.

I am over 50 percent of the way to a cashout on about three sites. I will probably be able to withdraw after a month. I think I was able to cashout from one site yesterday and I was able to receive the money.

There were two Lifepoints surveys offered to me when I woke up. They both disqualified me and gave me 4 points total.

I think my main Youtube channel is now at 3,100 views. The about section says it only has 2,000 views so maybe I should edit that.

Friday, February 8, 2019

Not all making money online websites require a membership fee. For example, Clixsense, Globaltestmarket, and Toluna are completely free to join. With those sites you just make an account, earn money, and then withdraw. This can be done on a free membership.

Not all sites that require a membership fee are scams. If a website has paid you money many times before, it's probably a safe site to invest money in. Regardless, whenever you pay for a membership on online income sites, you're taking a risk since you never know if the website will suddenly close before you regain your investment.

Thursday, February 7, 2019

I received a letter from Sunlife Philippines. I think I will add some money to my account there later.

There were a few Lifepoints surveys offered to me earlier that disqualified me and didn't give any disqualification points.

I think there was a Toluna survey offered earlier that paid me 300 points or so. That makes my total there around 4000 points. I need 20,000 points there to cashout.

I have around four more paid tasks to do for today.

I think I also received an email earlier offering to sell me websites. I don't really make enough money to pay for my own domain monthly. I might try that later when I have a larger budget to work with. But I can't afford it right now.

I looked at the Peanutlabs and Pollfish routers and there weren't any surveys available.

I tried the usual lotteries I play and I got the default prizes as usual.

Monday, February 4, 2019

I didn't get any new referrals, ebook sales, donations, ad clicks, or job offers or anything when I woke up.

I think I mentioned this a while ago but I applied for a job a few weeks ago and they didn't call me anymore. I am going to try to apply to more jobs but I think the same thing will happen.

I was able to request a cashout from one site last night. There are around three sites from which I will be able to request a cashout after three or so months.

I tried the lotteries I usually play and I got the default prizes as usual.

Sunday, February 3, 2019

This website is now 2 years old! Of course it would be great if this site got more views than it does now but this site does have views still coming in.
I received cashouts from two sites last night. I was also able to request a cashout from one site when I woke up.

I think my Lifepoints total is now 470 points. I think my current points on Toluna are 1,300 points.

I think I have figured out how to cashout my money from Clixsense. I will try it later, but there are some options I would like to try first before I do that method I discovered.

I didn't get any ebook sales, donations, ad clicks, or job offers when I woke up.

There are about 3 sites on which I am more than 50 percent of the way to a cashout. On other sites, I am 10-20 percent of the way to a cashout.

I tried looking at the Peanutlabs and Pollfish routers and there were no surveys available.

Saturday, February 2, 2019

I received cashouts from two sites last night. I'm still waiting for a cashout from one site. That cashout might arrive next month.

I think my total points on Lifepoints is now 470. I think I received 170 points there total for this month. I need 1000 points to cashout there with 1000 pesos, so I guess I earn 170 pesos a month there.

I think there are three sites in which I am over 50 percent of the way to a cashout. I might get to cashout from them after three months.

I received one ad click last night. I didn't get any ebook sales or donations or job offers when I woke up.