My favorite links!

Saturday, June 10, 2017

I've just restarted my pc and the mycashbar ads are working again. I think I'm just not supposed to leave the computer in sleep mode overnight since it deactivates the ads so I don't get paid. 

Over the past two weeks, I've been disqualified from around 20 clixsense surveys. I only got paid around once and it was worth 85 cents. My clixsense total is now at around 7.24 dollars and only 76 more cents and I will be able to do my third cashout. If I get disqualified from all the surveys, I will still have the standard one cent ads so I will be able to cashout after 76 working days at the minimum.

I am at around 2.27 dollars on my neobux account. Only 73 more cents and I will be able to cashout. I earn around 4 cents per day there. So I will be able to cashout after around 20 working days, or around the end of june to the middle of july since I don't click on weekends.

It seems this site got one view over two weeks from the US using firefox, so that is great. Or maybe it was just a bot.

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