My favorite links!

Friday, June 16, 2017

I still haven't clicked my familyclix ads for today. Maybe I just don't feel like it. I am still posting on this blog even though I don'\t really have any hope in getting referrals.

My youtube shows that it has 535 views total but if I look at the analytics I'm sure it's at around 580 if lifetime views are counted. I'm not really sure why that dashboard number is different from the analytics one.

I'm going to try to edit my uploads today though I don't really feel like it. If I do that I will have seven uploads on my desktop, and I will have to wait for two weeks before I can upload them, which will make my desktop look messy. So maybe I will just do that next week instead.

Anyway, I should stop overposting on this blog so I don't end up with people losing interest because there are just way too many posts. Maybe I should just post on this blogger account as often as I upload on youtube. Maybe I should just make seven posts every two weeks here, like how I plan to make seven uploads every two weeks on youtube.

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