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Thursday, May 25, 2017

I seemed to gain 3,000 pesos in stocks overnight. It seems that pldt took a very large price increase overnight. Though of course, I can't really buy and sell it since I bought it back when it was around 2,400 pesos per share and it flopped big time and it is worth only 1,700 per share now. I only keep it for possible dividends it may give in the future. Don't bet on that though, since when it comes to dividends, the philippine stock market has been flopping on that aspect too, seemingly not giving me dividends for years now, or maybe I am just not getting email alerts about them. It doesn't seem like Jollibee changed in price much, it just increased by 1 percent in earnings. I think I bought my BDO shares at too high a price. I should have waited until the price lowered a bit. that's one lesson learned I think, I shouldn't be eager to buy another stock after I just sold one due to earning a ten percent profit.

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