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Friday, April 22, 2022

 I was able to reach 10 dollars on ysense recently, so I requested a cashout. I already received the money. I think I earned 10.40+ dollars on ysense this month so far. Last month I earned 9.6+ dollars total there. I am nearing earning 500 dollars total on ysense. That is worth 25,000 pesos. I received 480+ dollars already and I spent some of it and saved some of it and invested some of it.

I now have 31 points on lifepoints. A survey was offered there that disqualified me and gave me disqualification points. There were also some surveys offered by email but the surveys were gone by the time I checked.

I was able to upload a new video to Youtube. It has zero views so far. Ideally it gets many views.

I am still waiting for 2 cashouts from Toluna. None of them have gotten into my account yet.

I have 26,800+ coins on cointiply right now. Ideally I reach 30,000 coins there soon so I can cashout.

I have 8.70+ dollars on timebucks right now. A recent survey paid me 19 cents so I was able to reach that amount.

I have around 58 cents on paidverts right now from what I remember.

I have 111 pesos on mobrog right now. I need to earn 250 pesos to cashout there.

I checked my happybirthdates account and I don't have any money there yet.

I have 22 cents on now. Only 2 more cents and I can cashout there. I might just work for two hours to reach that amount so I can cashout - the earnings there are around 1 US cent per hour.

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