My favorite links!

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

There was a panelstation survey offered to me a few minutes ago asking me about theme parks and what kinds of theme parks I like. I never go to theme parks and I just disagreed with all the suggestions and voted all the proposed features as unappealing. There was one question that made me choose three preferred options and I chose robot-themed as one option, but there were two more required. I filled in an optional theme I can suggest, and I suggested Western theme. There was a third option I had to fill out and I was forced to choose a theme I didn't like but I would have wanted another optional option to pick snow-themed. I received 200 points for that survey so my total points there are 1000.

I think my points there are 1000 and I need 3000 points to cashout there.

There were about eight Lifepoints surveys offered to me over the past few hours and they all disqualified me and most of them didn't give any disqualification points. I only got two disqualification points from all of them. I only qualified for one of them and I will need to wait for a week to receive that payment, which is 1500 points.

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