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Tuesday, September 18, 2018

I didn't get any job offers, ebook sales, donations, ad clicks, or new followers when I woke up.

There was a survey that was offered when I woke up and it paid me 1 dollar. I applied for another survey and I seemed to have completed it but it didn't pay me anything. I also tried the Peanutlabs and Pollfish routers and they didn't offer any surveys so I didn't even get any disqualification points.

I seem to have gained a new referral when I woke up.but I don't know if that referral will stay active. That referral seemed to have been active a few hours ago.

I tried the usual lotteries I play a few hours ago and I got the default prizes as usual.

The stock market seems to be low right now so it might be good to buy some shares right now.

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