My favorite links!

Thursday, September 27, 2018

I didn't get any ad clicks or ebook sales or donations or new followers or job offers or anything today.

There were a few survey invitations sent to me today and they all disqualified me. Around two of them gave me a fraction of a cent as disqualification points, the rest didn't give any.

I checked the Peanutlabs and Pollfish routers and they didn't have any surveys available as usual, so I didn't even get any disqualification points.

I edited some channels I have to show some shows that I enjoy watching. This will make the sites less boring.

I might be able to cashout from one site in about a week. That's the closest I am to a cashout on any site. On other sites, I am around 20-40 percent of the way to a cashout.

Thankfully, I stopped receiving the emails telling me that they will send me 3 million dollars or something if I give my address and credit card details. A few of them were pretty persistent so I am glad they gave up.

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