My favorite links!

Tuesday, September 20, 2022

 This blog has gotten 12 views so far this month. Last month it got 15 views total.

Ysense is having errors such that they keep offering the same surveys and those surveys always disqualify. I also completed a recent peanutlabs survey there that disqualified me as soon as I finished the survey and didn't pay anything after I worked on the survey for 15 minutes. I hope they fix the website, it's still the best survey site on the internet.

Toluna also currently has a similar problem. I have 19000+ points there right now. I only need 2000 more points to cashout there, which is around one or two surveys.

I have 6+ dollars on timebucks right now. I will probably reach 7 dollars there very soon. I will use the money to invest in something.

I just invested a few dollars into a play to earn game. Ideally I end up profiting a lot from this investment in the long term.

My youtube channel has 6400+ views now, which is amazing. It might reach 7000 views at some point. Obviously I'm grateful for all the support I have gotten.

I'm about to charge one phone to keep playing one play to earn game. I currently earn around 40 pesos a month there, but I can earn more when my level increases by a lot.

I have 8000+ coins on cointiply right now. I need 30,000 coins to cashout.

I didn't get any ebook sales or ad clicks or job offers or new followers when I woke up.

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