My favorite links!

Tuesday, March 1, 2022

 My main Youtube channel only needs 15 more views to reach 6,000 views.

My second Youtube channel only needs 4 more views to reach 4,500 views.

I have 125 pesos on mobrog right now. That is halfway to a cashout. Two surveys paid me there today.

I have 1.40 dollars on ysense right now. A survey paid me 13 cents a few hours ago there. I will also earn an additional cent later from the daily poll.

I have 357 total birds on right now. They are mostly low-level birds. I still don't have any paying referrals there.

Apparently I sold two ebooks over the years. However one of them displayed a -83 cents in sales while I earned 83 cents on another sale. I'm not sure what happened with that. As a result, I have earned 0 dollars net there after that calculation. Maybe there's a glitch in their system.

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