My favorite links!

Friday, March 4, 2022

 My main Youtube channel only needs 5 more views to reach 6,000 views. This is exciting! It is every bit as exciting as getting to 5000 views.

I have 12,370 points on toluna. This is because I was given 200 extra points there.

I have 168 points on lifepoints right now. This is because a recent survey gave me 2 disqualification points.

I am now earning an extra 20 pesos a month on a new play to earn game I am playing. This is in addition to the 250 pesos a month I earn on another play to earn game I play, which is free to play.

My second Youtube channel only needs 3 more views to reach 4,500 views. It might reach 5000 views very soon, so it is a bit close to catching up to my main Youtube channel.

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