My favorite links!

Friday, April 3, 2020

Four sites suddenly closed which are,,, and They now join and as closed sites. I'll have to find websites to replace them with. I used to have a section on this blog in which I would show websites I am a member of that closed, so I might reopen that section of the blog.

A lifepoints  survey paid me recently, so I have 480 or so points there right now. That is almost 50 percent of the way to a cashout of 1000 pesos.

There were some recent polls on Toluna that paid 15 points each. I also joined this contest where you guess the number of eggs in a video and you get paid 4000 points if you win.  I guessed that there are 40 eggs, which is a wrong guess. I think the correct number is 34.

I have 5.40 dollars on Timebucks right now. I might spend more time there since a lot of websites closed at the same time like I mentioned.

My second Youtube channel now has over 2500 views. That is more than 50 percent of the views on my main channel. If that second channel takes off I might make it my main one and leave my current main channel inactive.

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