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Monday, December 10, 2018

I didn't get any new referrals, new followers, ad clicks, donations, ebook sales, or job offers or anything when I woke up.

I was able to request a cashout from Globaltestmarket a few hours ago. If it works properly I will receive 1000 pesos in about a week. It's mainly because I received 200 points from surveys a few hours ago so my points on the Globaltestmarket site were able to reach 1,130 points, which is the lowest possible withdrawal and is worth 1,000 pesos.

I think I still have 12,000 points on Toluna. I will probably need two more months to cashout another 250 pesos there.

Clixsense also gave a paying survey a few hours ago which was worth around 30 cents.

I am 80 percent of the way to a cashout on two sites. On one of them, I might get to cashout after a week. On the other one, I will probably have to wait for about a month. I am 70 percent of the way to a cashout on another site and I will need one more month to cashout there. Apart from that, I am 10-20 percent of the way to a cashout on other sites.

I just tried the lotteries I usually play and I got the default prizes on all of them. The random bonus I got was 5 percent.

I think the stock market was pretty low earlier but some stocks of mine still made a profit even after the decrease in prices. I haven't gotten a significant percentage loss so I am still holding onto the shares.

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