My favorite links!

Saturday, December 29, 2018

I should post new videos to my Youtube channels if I want to keep them updated. I will probably do that tomorrow.

I am waiting for a cashout from two sites. I might get them after two weeks.

I tried the usual lotteries I play and I got the default prizes for all of them. the random bonus I got was 5 percent.

I am 70 percent of the way to a cashout on one site. I think I have around 300 points on Globaltestmarket right now. I am still waiting for my cashout from Toluna.

I might get to cashout from a few more sites in January.

I don't think I got any new referrals on any website.

Friday, December 28, 2018

I didn't get any job offers or ad clicks or ebook sales or new referrals when I woke up.

Some sites I use to make free money aren't working so I have to wait until later. They are probably installing updates to their websites.

I didn't sell any ebooks when I woke up, but I have never sold any ebook I have ever since I uploaded them so nothing is different with that.
I didn't get any job offers or ad clicks or donations or ebook sales or new referrals when I woke up.

I am 50 percent of the way to a cashout on a few sites and 10-20 percent of the way to a cashout on most sites.

I think I have 200 Globaltestmarket points right now. I will probably need around six months to withdraw there after getting 1000 points. I seem to be getting an average of 150 points a month there.

Wednesday, December 26, 2018

I have 9.79 dollars on Paidviewpoint as of now. I usually receive 3 cents from that site every three weeks. The minimum amount to cashout there is 15 dollars, so I don't really expect to cashout there anytime soon. But the site is free to use anyway so I just complete any 3 cent surveys available whenever I look from time to time. I also have a traitscore there of 10,000, as can be seen from the photo below.

Tuesday, December 25, 2018

The stock market is flopping right now, so it might be good to buy some shares. The prices were pretty high a week or so ago and I was able to sell some shares at that point and made a profit. Right now it would be good to buy while the prices are tanking. The prices will probably be tanking for a few weeks.

I think this blog has gotten 0 views over the past 72 hours. I'm not really sure if posting less often will give it more views or posting more will. I don't really know which will be better.

I didn't get any job offers or donations or ad clicks or new referrals or anything when I woke up.

There weren't any surveys offered when I woke up.

I was able to cashout from one site last night. I might get to cashout from about two sites after two months.

I am waiting for a cashout from Toluna. It will take around three months for that cash to arrive.

I think one Youtube channel I have has 2,800+ views. Originally that channel was supposed to be about making money online only but I later decided to make it about my regular life stuff too. I might actually link all my channels together at some point so they won't have to be anonymous to each other. But I think I will take a lot of time before I decide to do that.

Sunday, December 23, 2018

There was a survey that paid me 40 cents when I woke up. Apart from that, there aren't any surveys available right now, even from Clixsense.

I might get to cashout from one website after one month. There's also another website which I might be able to cashout from after one month, since I am 90 percent of the way to a cashout there.

I didn't get offered any jobs when I woke up.

I think one Youtube channel I have has 2,800+ views already. This blog didn't get any views overnight.
I didn't get any job offers or ad clicks when I woke up.

I tried the usual lotteries and I got the default prizes on all of them. The random bonus I got was 5 percent.

Globaltestmarket offered me a survey but apparently I already took it so it didn't pay me anything. I don't think Clixsense offered me any surveys when I woke up.

I'm 90 percent of the way to a cashout on one site and I might get to cashout there after a month. I think I'm 50 percent of the way to a cashout on another site and I might get to cashout there after 3 months. Apart from that, I think I am 10-20 percent of the way to a cashout on other sites.

I've pretty much already replaced Clixsense as an income source. I rarely login there since there are many better offers in many sites.

I might sell some stocks since I made a significant profit on some of them.

Saturday, December 22, 2018

There were 4 Clixsense surveys offered a while ago and all four disqualified me. I just tried the usual lotteries I play and I got the default prizes as usual. I think a Globaltestmarket survey was offered earlier and it disqualified me and gave some disqualification points.

I was able to update my Youtube channels. I decided to sticking with making two videos per week as an update. I was planning on making only one video a week or only one video every two weeks and I might decide to do that later.

I'm 70 percent of the way to a cashout on one site and I might get to cashout there after two months. I think that's the nearest I am to a cashout right now.

Thursday, December 20, 2018

I was able to request a cashout from Toluna. Apparently I had 21,000 points there instead of 17,000. I am not sure how I got those points. Maybe it was from a survey I forgot. That money will arrive in two months, which is 250 pesos.

There was a Clixsense survey that paid me 70 cents when I woke up. I checked on other sites first if they had that survey available before going onto Clixsense as a last resort.

Apart from that there is more of the usual work to do and I got the default prizes from the lottery as usual.

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

I cashed out from Globaltestmarket last week and I have 200 points there again. I need 1000 points to cashout another 1000 pesos there, so I have 800 points to go before I can cashout there. That will probably take me 6 months to earn.

I'm 80 percent of the way to a cashout on a few sites so I might be able to cashout from them in about two months.

I think I made a significant profit from the stock market so I might sell a few shares and then withdraw.

Monday, December 17, 2018

I didn't notice but I'm actually 80 percent of the way to a cashout on one site. I might get to cashout there after one month.

I think I have 17,000 points on Toluna right now. I need 20,000 points to cashout 250 pesos there. I will probably get to cashout there after two months.

Sunday, December 16, 2018

I didn't get any donations, ebook sales, ad clicks, job offers, or anything when I woke up.

I received 1000 pesos from Globaltestmarket. I am still waiting for 250 pesos from Toluna, which will arrive after two months. I will need around one more month to cashout from other sites.

I was able to update my Youtube channels. I think this blog has gotten a few hundred views this week.

I haven't gotten any new referrals on any site. I also haven't gotten any new followers on Youtube.

I think I received 70 cents from Clixsense a few hours ago.

I tried the usual lotteries I play and I got the default prizes as usual.

Thursday, December 13, 2018

I'm a member of around 4 lotteries and I have been playing them for about 2 years.

The highest prize I ever got was the third lowest prize. I won that about two or three times. I won the second lowest prize a dozen or so times in 2 years. Apart from that, I always won the default prizes for the rest of my attempts over two years.

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

I should probably upload new Youtube videos to my channels within this week.

I am waiting for a cashout from Globaltestmarket, which usually takes around a week. I have 17,000 points on Toluna now due to recent paying surveys. I will probably need one more month to reach 20,000 points there, after which I will be able to cashout another 250 pesos.

Monday, December 10, 2018

I didn't get any new followers, new referrals, ad clicks, donations, ebook sales, job offers, or anything when I woke up.

I am waiting for a cashout from Globaltestmarket which will arrive in about a week. I might be able to request a cashout from a different site after a week. Apart from that, I will need around 1-3 more months to cashout on other sites.

This blog didn't get any views when I woke up.

Apart from that, I played the usual lotteries as usual and checked the Peanutlabs and Pollfish routers.
I didn't get any new referrals, new followers, ad clicks, donations, ebook sales, or job offers or anything when I woke up.

I was able to request a cashout from Globaltestmarket a few hours ago. If it works properly I will receive 1000 pesos in about a week. It's mainly because I received 200 points from surveys a few hours ago so my points on the Globaltestmarket site were able to reach 1,130 points, which is the lowest possible withdrawal and is worth 1,000 pesos.

I think I still have 12,000 points on Toluna. I will probably need two more months to cashout another 250 pesos there.

Clixsense also gave a paying survey a few hours ago which was worth around 30 cents.

I am 80 percent of the way to a cashout on two sites. On one of them, I might get to cashout after a week. On the other one, I will probably have to wait for about a month. I am 70 percent of the way to a cashout on another site and I will need one more month to cashout there. Apart from that, I am 10-20 percent of the way to a cashout on other sites.

I just tried the lotteries I usually play and I got the default prizes on all of them. The random bonus I got was 5 percent.

I think the stock market was pretty low earlier but some stocks of mine still made a profit even after the decrease in prices. I haven't gotten a significant percentage loss so I am still holding onto the shares.

Saturday, December 8, 2018

I didn't get any ad clicks, ebook sales, donations, new followers, new referrals, or job offers or anything when I woke up.

I think I am waiting for a cashout from Toluna but I don't remember very well. I might have actually received the money but I am not sure.

I tried checking the Peanutlabs and Pollfish routers but there were no surveys offfered, so I didn't even get any disqualification points.

I think I'm 80 percent of the way to a cashout on two sites. Those are the two sites I'm closest to a cashout on right now. Apart from that, I think I am 10-20 percent of the way to a cashout on other sites.

I think this site got 100+ views overnight. I'm not really sure where all those views came from. My Youtube channel is still at 2,700+ views. I'm not sure but I think this blog now has 5,300+ views because of that increase in views from last night.

I didn't get any survey invitations from Globaltestmarket or Toluna when I woke up.

I did play the lotteries I usually use and I got the default prizes when I woke up. The random bonus I got was 5 percent.

Friday, December 7, 2018

I didn't get any new referrals, new followers, ebook sales, ad clicks, job offers, donations, or anything when I woke up.

There was one Clixsense survey that paid me around 50 cents earlier. There were also 5 Peanutlabs surveys that disqualified me so I earned 5 cents. The Pollfish surveys gave me an invite and then disqualified me as usual. I tried applying for surveys but I was disqualified from all of them.

I think this blog is at 5,200+ views now. One Youtube channel I have is still at 2,700+ views.

I am around 80 percent of the way to a cashout on one site and I might get to cashout there after one week. I think I am around 70 percent of the way to a cashout on another site and I might get to cashout there after one month. I am 70 percent of the way to a cashout on another site and I might get to cashout there after one month. Apart from that, I think I am 10-30 percent of the way to a cashout on other sites.

I have 900 Globaltestmarket points right now and I need around 1,200 points to cashout. I might need two more months to get that many points. Those 1,200 points are worth 1,000 pesos. I think I am at 12,000 points on Toluna and I might get to cashout there after one month.

I tried the usual lotteries I play and I got the default prizes as usual. The random bonus I got was 5 percent.

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

I didn't get any ebook sales, ad clicks, donations, new referrals, new followers, job offers, or anything when I woke up.

I have a total of 800 points right now on Globaltestmarket. I will probably get to cashout there after two months. I also have 8000 points or so on Toluna. I will probably get to cashout there after two months. There was a Pollfish survey offered to me when I woke up which disqualified me.

I am 80 percent of the way to a cashout on one site. I will get to cashout there after a month. On another site, I am 70 percent of the way to a cashout and I will get to cashout there after two months. I am 80 percent of the way to a cashout on another site and I will get to cashout there after about four months. Apart from that, I am 10-20 percent of the way to a cashout on other sites.

This blog has around 5,100+ views right now. One of my Youtube channels is still at 2,700 views.

I checked the Peanutlabs router when I woke up and it had no surveys available, so I did not even get any disqualification points.

I played the usual lotteries I use and I got the default prizes as usual. The random bonus I got was 5 percent.