My favorite links!

Monday, June 12, 2023

I have 1.43 dollars on my Ysense account right now. I have earned 99 cents on that website total for this month so far. That seems to be my usual earnings on that site now, around a dollar a month. I used to earn 10 dollars a month there.

I have 13,000 points on toluna right now. I need 21,000 points to cashout around 5 dollars.

I have 7.375 dollars on timebucks right now. I am earning mostly from the polls and the paid to click ads there.

This blog has gotten 1 view so far this month. Last month it got 14 views.

I have 24 cents on paidverts right now. Once I have one dollar there again I will advertise there again.

The play to earn games I play have seen their currencies go down in value by a lot. I guess it's fine since I didn't really invest a lot of money in them anyway. I knew the games were very risky to invest in so I put very little money in there.

\I still have 27,000+ coins on cointiply.

Right now I still have 87 points on lifepoints. Surveys have all been disqualifying me there recently, and mostly not giving any disqualification points when doing so.

I am almost at 23 dollars total in earnings from honeygain. I seem to earn more there when I leave a video game running in the background.

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