My favorite links!

Tuesday, August 23, 2022

 I have 8+ dollars on timebucks right now. I need to earn 20 dollars at least total from that site so I can invest in another earning opportunity.

I have 3+ dollars on ysense right now. I earned 9.50 dollars there this month so far. I am very glad to be earning that much from that site. It's one of my main earning methods.

Toluna unfortunately is still recommending surveys that disqualify as soon as you click on them. I have 6000+ points there right now. I don't think that site will be around for much longer.

I have 6,300+ views on youtube right now. It's really amazing. I am about to edit another video to upload there.

This blog has gotten 11 views so far this month. Last month it got 6 views total.

I have 3 cents on paidverts tight now. I reached 1 dollar there recently and cashed it out. I have 135,000+ BAP there right now. I seem to be earning more BAP than I am spending there right now since paidverts has reduced the money that they pay. That's the main reason I ended up with 135000 BAP again. Next time I reach 1 dollar I will advertise there.

I have 1 dollar on right now. I need to earn 2 dollars there at least to cashout.

I have 217 points on lifepoints right now. I need 285 points to cashout. Recently I have been earning from the disqualification points there since I keep getting disqualified from surveys there.

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