My favorite links!

Friday, January 31, 2020

I was able to receive 1000 pesos from Lifepoints earlier. After that cashout there were many surveys offered to me there afterwards so I have 300 points there again. I will get to cashout 1000 pesos again at 1130 points.

I currently have 15000 points on Toluna. Once I reach 21000 points I can cashout 250 pesos there.

I think I said it already but I joined a new survey site which is Mobrog. I have 70 pesos there so far earned in one month, I can cashout there once I reach 250 pesos. I am going to estimate my earnings there to be around 30 pesos a month.

Right now I have 8.39 dollars on Timebucks. I will get to cashout there at 10 dollars so it is very exciting. I will probably earn 2 more dollars after three months.

I still don't have referrals on I have 33000 purchasing points there right now and I might be able to afford to buy the blue bird after two weeks.

This site got 174 views total for the month of January. As of February 1 this blog has 1 view for this month so far.

My second Youtube channel almost has 2,300 views. I think it will have 2,300 views once the channel receives 11 or so more views.

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

I was recently able to request a cashout from Lifepoints. This is because a few surveys paid me. I will receive the 1000 pesos after a week or so.

I now have 15000 points on Toluna after 1 survey paid me 4000 points.

I am currently at 3.28 dollars on Ysense. I need 10 dollars there to cashout.

I didn't receive any ad clicks or ebook sales when I woke up.

I am aiming to upload Youtube videos only monthly or every two months so I will have more time to make videos.

My main Youtube channel still has 14 subscribers and my second channel still has 9 subscribers.

Sunday, January 26, 2020

The total views for this blog for this month is around 126. This blog received 260+ views last month.

My main Youtube channel is now at 4,400+ views. My second channel is at 2,200+ views.

I was able to receive a cashout of ten dollars from Ysense recently. A few surveys paid me afterwards so I have 3 dollars there again.

My total points on Toluna right now are 11,000. I need 21000 points to cashout 5 dollars there.

I have around 7.50 dollars on Timebucks right now because of stuff that paid me a few cents. I need 10 dollars there at least to cashout.

I have 1,080 points on Lifepoints right now. I need 1,130 points there to cashout 20 dollars.

I might get to cashout from a few other sites after three months.

I have joined some new sites which seem to pay well since they have many methods to get paid all in one website.

Friday, January 17, 2020

I'm 1/20 of the way to a cashout on I will probably be able to cashout there after two months.

I checked my account and I still don't have any referrals. Right now I have around 15,000 silver coins there for purchase and 12,000 coins for withdrawal.

There were many Lifepoints surveys that paid me lately so I have 900 points there right now. I need 1,100 points to cashout 1000 pesos there. I will probably get to do that after two months.

I have 6.90 dollars on Timebucks right now since a two or so surveys paid me. I need 10 dollars there to cashout. I will probably get to do that after three months.

On Toluna two surveys paid me recently this month so I have 8000 points there right now. I need 21000 point to cashout 250 pesos there. I will probably reach that amount after three months.

I am still at 9.96 dollars on Ysense. I need four more cents  to cashout there. I already got paid2,80 dollars there for the month of January so I will probably have to wait until next month until a survey pays me there.

Apart from that I might get to cashout from two or three sites after two months.

Thursday, January 16, 2020

I joined a site called fly-dash. There's free money given there every hour. Ideally I get many referrals while being active there.

Saturday, January 11, 2020

My Ysense account has 9.96 dollars right now. I need to earn 4 more cents before I can cashout 10 dollars there. I've earned 235 dollars there total since I joined in 2016. I earn an average of 5 dollars a month there.

I have 720 points on Lifepoints right now. I need 1,100 points there to cashout. Once I reach 1,100 points there I can cashout 1000 pesos or 20 dollars. I will probably reach that amount after three months.

I have 6.10 dollars on Timebucks right now. I reached 6 dollars since a Pollfish survey paid me 30 or so cents. I need to earn 10 dollars there before I can cashout.

I have 2,800 points on Toluna right now. I need 21,000 points there before I can cashout 250 pesos. I will probably reach that amount after four months.

Apart from that, I can probably cashout from about two sites after two or three months.

This blog has reached 52 views this month. After one more view this blog will reach 7,700 views.

My main Youtube channel has 4,380 views right now. After twenty more views it will have 4,400 views. My second channel has 2,100 or so views.

I will post on my tumblr accounts after two or so weeks. I might release another ebook for free on Tumblr soon.

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

I recently got paid on Lifepoints 20 points for a survey, so I have 720 points there now.

I currently have 2800 points on Toluna.

I have 5.75 dollars on Timebucks right now. I need 10 dollars there to cashout. They automatically send cashouts once I reach 10 dollars so I don't have to request a cashout there.

I am going to try to collect eggs on only monthly. I will still get the same amount of eggs even if I collect less often anyway.

My second Youtube channel is now at 2,200 views. My main channel is still at 4,300 views. I think my second Youtube channel received 2 new subscribers so it is at 9 subscribers now but I am sure that those people will unsubscribe soon.

I think I'll be able to cashout from three sites after two months.

This month this blog has 37 views total. This blog got 250 views total last month. I think most of the views arrive at the 20th every month.

Saturday, January 4, 2020

I've received 10 more dollars from Ysense. My account there still has 7 dollars after that withdrawal.

I will receive a cashout of 250 pesos from Toluna after two or so weeks. After that, I still have 2000 points there.

This blog received 13 views today. The total views this blog for the month is 22.

My second Youtube channel might have 2,200 views total soon. My main Youtube channel currently is stuck at 4,355 views.

I can't really check view stats on Tumblr. The only data available there is follower count, and I currently have zero followers there apart from a bot that follows everybody. But I'm pretty sure I have view counts there, and I'm guessing I have 500 or so total views there.

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Apparently I got my Tumblr account back but I lost all the affiliate links and/or shortened links. So those two blogs aren't monetized anymore. But oh well. I have no followers there anyway. And I think I got almost no clicks there either. But I think I will still keep posting on those sites anyway.