My favorite links!

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

I have 700 points on Lifepoints right now. I will be able to withdraw once I have 1100 points. That will be equal to 1000 pesos.

I have 10000 points on Toluna right now. I need 21000 points to withdraw 250 pesos.

I was able to cashout 10 dollars from Timebucks recently. I am at 1.90 dollars there right now. I need 8 more dollars to cashout there.

I haven't gotten any ad clicks recently.

I still have sold zero ebooks so far.

This blog got 200 views for this month. Last month this blog got 300 views.

My main Youtube channel will get 4,300 views total after getting two more views. My second Youtube channel might soon have 2100 views.

I received a subscriber on my second Youtube channel recently but I think that subscriber unsubscribed shortly afterwards.

Apart from the websites I mentioned I might get to cashout from one site after a month. For most of the other sites I will be able to cashout after two or three months. I also received some money from cashouts over the past two weeks.

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