My favorite links!

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

I'm waiting for a cashout from lifepoints to arrive. It's worth 1000 pesos and will probably arrive by the end of the week.

I have 11000 points on Toluna right now. I need 21000 points to cashout there.

I updated the links on this website for the list of active websites.

I have 8 dollars on Ysense right now and I need 10 dollars to cashout there. I will probably earn that much after a month.

This blog got 50 views so far this month. For last month, I ended up with 400 views total.

I am going to try to upload to my Youtube channels right after posting this. I think my main channel is going to hit 4,300 views soon and my second channel is at 2100 views currently. I've been commenting on other people's videos more to help with things and I seem to be getting more views as a result.

I haven't been getting any ad clicks or ebook sales. As of right now, I still have sold zero ebooks.

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