My favorite links!

Sunday, June 30, 2019

There were no survey invitations when I woke up.

I was able to request a cashout from two sites when I woke up. I think the next cashout I will be able to make will be after about two weeks.

I was able to update my two Youtube channels yesterday. My main channel now has 3,700 views. I think my second channel has 1,720 views or so.

I have a few tasks to catch up to but I was able to catch up with most of them yesterday.
I checked my Toluna account when I woke up and there were no surveys available. I also checked my Clixsense account and there were no surveys available.

I will probably receive my 1000 pesos cashout from Lifepoints next week.

This blog got 5 views yesterday. I might update my 2 Youtube channels later instead of next week since I was able to edit some videos earlier.

I am probably going to receive cashouts from two sites next week, in addition to that Lifepoints cashout I am waiting for. So I will receive 3 cashouts next week.

Friday, June 28, 2019

There were two surveys offered to me when I woke up and they disqualified me. They didn't give any disqualification points.

I was able to request a cashout from Toluna yesterday. I will probably receive the money after a month.

I am going to look at my Clixsense account to see if there are any surveys available. I looked at my Lifepoints account and there were no surveys available.

I have a few tasks to catch up to. I might be able to cashout from about two sites after two months.

This blog got 4 views yesterday.

I am going to try the usual lotteries I play after a few hours and I will probably get the default prizes as usual.

Thursday, June 27, 2019

There was a Clixsense survey offered to me when I woke up and it didn't give any disqualification points. I requested a cashout from Lifepoints around a week ago and I will probably receive the money after a week. I received another cashout from Toluna which is worth 250 pesos so I can probably request another cashout again.

I tried the usual lotteries I play when I woke up and I got the default prizes as usual.

I received an email that I think said my email address was a chosen winner of 3 million dollars so I deleted the email.

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

There was one Clixsense survey offered yesterday that suddenly went offline in the middle of the survey and didn't give any disqualification points.

I looked at my Toluna account and I saw that I have 32,000 points there right now. I think I am going to receive the cashout I requested there after one month. After that, I can request one more cashout.

I have 60 points in Lifepoints right now. I am going to check later if there are surveys available.

I tried the usual lotteries I play earlier and I got the default prizes as usual.

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

I might get to cashout from two sites after three weeks. Apart from that, I might get to cashout from two other sites after three months.

I think my Youtube channel is currently at 3,691 views. I think my second channel is at around 1,705 views.

I tried the usual lotteries I play and I got the default prize on all of them.

This site got zero views overnight. I haven't gotten any new subscribers on any site.

Monday, June 24, 2019

There was a Lifepoints survey offered to me when I woke up and it paid me 60 points, so I have 64 points in my account there now, which is worth around 50 pesos.

I think I have 32,000 points in my Toluna account right now since a survey there paid me 3000 points yesterday.

I am going to check if there are any surveys available in my Clixsense account.

My main Youtube channel has 3,690 views now so it only needs 10 more views to reach 3,700 views. My second channel I think is at 1,710 views.

Sunday, June 23, 2019

I might get to cashout from two sites after two months.

I haven't looked at some accounts yet but there might be some surveys available right now.

I tried some lotteries I play and I got the default prizes as usual.

This blog got zero views for the past 48 hours. I haven't looked to see how many views my Youtube channels got.

Saturday, June 22, 2019

I looked and my main youtube channel is now at 3,690 views or something so it might reach 3,700 views soon. My second channel is at around 1,708 views.

I'm going to check if there are surveys available on Clixsense, Lifepoints, and Toluna.

I have a few more websites I will check to earn a bit of cash.

I was able to update my Youtube channels last night. I am going to try to edit many videos at once so I will have many videos recorded in advance.

Friday, June 21, 2019

A Lifepoints survey disqualified me when I woke up and paid me 2 points. Because of that, I was able to request a cashout. I will receive 1000 pesos if I end up getting the cashout.

I will probably get a cashout of 250 pesos from Toluna after two weeks. After that, I can request another cashout there again.

I tried the usual lotteries I play and I got the default prizes as usual.

My second Youtube channel is at 1,700+ views now. I think my main Youtube channel is at 3,660 views.

Thursday, June 20, 2019

There were two Lifepoints surveys that paid me last night so I have 1,129 points there now. I need 1,130 points to cashout there, so I actually need only 1 more point to cashout there. After that, I can cashout 1000 pesos there.

Apart from that, I think I will be able to cashout from two sites after a month or so.

This blog got 8 views last night. I think my Youtube channels got 2 views each last night.

I have a few tasks to catch up to and then I will have more new tasks to do later.

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

I checked my Lifepoints account when I woke up and there were no surveys available. I think one Clixsense survey paid me 30 cents last night so my account there now has 105.40 dollars. I also checked my Toluna account and there were no surveys available.

I might be able to cashout from two sites after two months.

This site got 0 views overnight. I think my second channel has 1,690 views right now so it will reach 1,700 views total after 10 more views. I might upload videos on my channels only once every two weeks so I will not upload too often.

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

There were five Clixsense surveys offered to me when I woke up. Four of them disqualified me and one paid me 30 cents. I think I have 105.20 dollars on my account there now.

I tried the usual lotteries I play when I woke up and I got the default prizes as usual.

I am going to check my Lifepoints and Toluna accounts later if there are any surveys available.

Monday, June 17, 2019

I was offered a Toluna survey last night worth 500 points but it disqualified me. There was also a Lifepoints survey worth 60 points last night but it disqualified me. Neither gave any disqualification points. There was a Clixsense survey worth 60 cents last night which paid me. My account there now has 104.90 dollars.

I should probably upload new Youtube videos to my two channels by tomorrow. My second channel now has 6 subscribers and at some point it may even end up with more subscribers than my main channel.

Sunday, June 16, 2019

I was able to cashout from two sites when I woke up.

I tried the usual lotteries I play when I woke up and I got the default prizes as usual.

I am going to check my Clixsense, Toluna, and Lifepoints accounts to see if there are any surveys available.

I will be able to request another cashout from Toluna after the cashout I am waiting for arrives. Apart from that, I will probably get to cashout from some sites after 2 months.

Saturday, June 15, 2019

I might be able to cashout from one site after two weeks. Apart from that. I am waiting for a cashout from Toluna. After that cashout, I can request another one.

I seem to have gained one referral on one website overnight.

I just checked my Toluna, Clixsense, and Lifepoints accounts and there are no surveys available right now.

I think this blog gained 0 views overnight while my Youtube channels gained around 2 views each overnight. I think I gained one subscriber on my second channel last night so I have 6 subscribers there now.

Friday, June 14, 2019

I was offered a Lifepoints survey when I woke up. It paid me 80 points, so I have 980 points on Lifepoints right now. I will be able to cashout at 1100 points, which is worth 1000 pesos.

I was able to request another cashout from Toluna worth 250 pesos, since I was able to receive my previous cashout. After those two cashouts I still have 20,000 points in my account there, so I will be able to request another cashout after that. The total of those cashouts is 750 pesos.

There was a Clixsense survey offered to me last night which disqualified me and didn't give any disqualification points.

I am going to try the usual lotteries I play after a few hours and I will probably get the default prizes as usual.

Thursday, June 13, 2019

I received 250 pesos from Toluna yesterday. That was worth 5 dollars. I still have 38000 points in my Toluna account so I should be able to request a cashout again.

I have 900 points in Lifepoints right now since I was paid 40 points for a survey yesterday.

This blog got 1 view overnight. I think my Youtube channels got 1 view each overnight.

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Paidviewpoint and Toluna had updates last night. I think I have 38,000 points on Toluna right now. I checked my Clixsense account and there are no surveys available right now. I am going to see if Lifepoints has surveys available.

This blog got zero views overnight. I think my main Youtube channel is still at 3,600+ views.

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

I was paid 2000 points by a Toluna survey last night. My points there are now 34,000 points. After that, a Lifepoints survey paid me 40 points, so I have 863 points there now.

I think I got a comment on one of my videos on my second channel. I think it's in Indonesian so I don't understand what the comment is, plus the browser can't translate it.

This blog got 10 views last night.

I think I might get to cashout from two sites after two months, but I think I already discussed that last time.

Monday, June 10, 2019

I was offered a survey on Clixsense when I woke up which disqualified me. It didn't give me any disqualification points.

I am going to check my Toluna and Lifepoints accounts if there are surveys available.

I was able to request a cashout from two sites last night. I will probably receive the money after a week.

I am still waiting for a cashout from Toluna. That will probably arrive after a month. After that, I will get to request another cashout there, since I have 30,000 points there right now.

I might be able to cashout from two sites after two or three months.
My main channel  is now at 3,600+ views. This blog got zero views overnight. I think my second Youtube channel is at 1,600+ views.

There weren't any Clixsense, Toluna, or Lifepoints surveys offered when I woke up.

I just tried the usual lotteries I play and I got the default prizes as usual.

I might be able to request a cashout from two sites after two weeks. There's one other site from which I will probably get to cashout after two months.

Saturday, June 8, 2019

I was able to request a cashout from two sites earlier. I will probably receive the money after a week.

I tried looking at my Lifepoints, Toluna, and Clixsense accounts and there were no surveys offered when I woke up.

I received an email from an LLC offering to invest money in my projects so I can start some projects. The thing is, I have no idea how that all works - I might end up burdened by some fine print of their contract. Also, I don't think I can generate a project for them that will actually earn them a profit instead of earning no money at all. So I decided not to reply to the email.

I am over 50 percent of the way to a cashout on about three sites. I will probably get to cashout from them after two or three months.
I was able to update my two Youtube channels. My main channel has 3600+ views now.

I've earned about 3 dollars total from having 3600+ views. That money was earned without Adsense.

I am trying to find a way to earn money for uploading videos and be paid via Faucethub. For some reason it is easier to have your videos monetized when you get paid via Faucethub instead of fiat. They're both money in my case and I can withdraw them both anytime, but compared to applying for a Youtube partnership, all you have to do to monetize your videos with Faucethub income is make an account and check a few user agreement boxes. I'm just going to copy-paste the videos I already made on Youtube and maybe add some stuff there that isn't available on Youtube.

I am about to check Toluna, Clixsense, and Lifepoints to see if I have any surveys offered to me there. They don't send survey invitations via email anymore so you have to login to each account personally.

Thursday, June 6, 2019

Clixsense offered me 8 surveys when I woke up. 7 of them disqualified me and 1 of them paid me 60 cents. The surveys didn't give any disqualification points.

Lifepoints offered me a poll when I woke up and it paid me 1 point. I have 818 points there right now.

I didn't get offered any Toluna surveys when I woke up.

Apparently I received one ad click overnight.

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

A Lifepoints survey paid me 100 points earlier. My total there is now 811 points. I need 1100 points there to cashout.

This site got 21 views from the US overnight. I am not sure why. The usual view count from the US on this blog is around 1 view per month.

My main Youtube channel now has 3,600 views. My second channel now has 1,600 views.

I was able to request a cashout from one site earlier. I will probably get the money after a week.

Tuesday, June 4, 2019

I was paid 2000 points by a Toluna survey earlier. After that Clixsense offered me 4 surveys which disqualified me. Lifepoints also offered me 1 survey worth 100 points which disqualified me and didn't give any disqualification points.

This blog gained 1 view overnight. I think my main Youtube channel will have 3,600 views after 4 or so views.

I am going to try the usual lotteries I play after a few hours and I will probably get the default prizes as usual.

I might be able to cashout from two sites after two months. I am still waiting for one cashout from Toluna worth 250 pesos.