My favorite links!

Thursday, August 10, 2023

 I have 2.45 dollars on ysense right now. Right now I am earning only from the polls there since all the surveys there are disqualifying me. I have earned 8 cents total there this month.

I have 4.35 or so dollars on timebucks right now. I can cashout there once I reach 5 dollars.

I have 118 pesos on mobrog right now. So far all the recent surveys there have been disqualifying me.

I have 127 points on lifepoints right now. So far no surveys have been offered there this month.

Apparently the owner of plentybenjis is battling cancer and new owners are probably going to take over. Maybe that website will be another real earning opportunity for me again since it has been dormant for a long time now (due to the owner being too ill to manage it). Ideally the owner gets better.

I have 78 cents on paidverts right now. I am probably just going to cashout my money instead of advertising there again.

I looked at my happybirthdates account and I don't have money in my account there.

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