My favorite links!

Thursday, May 7, 2020

I was able to request a cashout from Ysense recently because a survey paid me 70 or so cents.I was able to receive the money worth 10 dollars.

A few polls and short surveys paid me on Lifepoints sso I have 600 points there now.

I need to update my Toluna profile to get more surveys. Each update I make will give 100 points.

This blog got 100 or so views total last month. I think its total is around 15 views for this month.

Right now I have 7.10 dollars on Timebucks. This is because a few surveys paid me. I will get to cashout there once I have 10 dollars total on my account there.

I didn't get any ad clicks or new followers or ebook sales or donations or anything when I woke up.

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