My favorite links!

Monday, September 23, 2019

I have 950 points in Lifepoints right now. I need 1100 or so points to cashout 1000 pesos there. I have 12000 points on toluna right now since a survey paid me 4000 points there this week. A Ysense survey paid me earlier so I have 5.60 dollars there right now I need 10 dollars there to cashout.

This blog got zero views over the past 48 hours. My main Youtube channel is at 4,070 views or so right now. I think two recent videos I made there got 1 view each.

Monday, September 16, 2019

I'm 30 percent of the way to a cashout on 2 sites. I'll probably be able to cashout from them after two months.

I have 900 points on Toluna right now and I might be able to cashout 1000 pesos there after a month. I have 5000 points on Toluna right now after a few polls and 1 survey that paid me. I have 5 dollars on Ysense right now and I might be able to cashout after three months there.

I am going to try to update my Youtube channels after a week. My main channel currently has 4044 views.

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

I definitely think 2008-2012 were Youtube's best years overall. Back then the rules for monetization weren't ridiculous, and people were making tons of money. With my old channels, even I was making money back then. It's because the website didn't require a bazillion subscribers to be paid and the censorship wasn't ridiculous. Back then only illegal content was deleted, not ridiculous things like "your title shouldn't have this word" or "your title shouldn't have an acronym this way."

My main channel now has 4000 views. It's a nice milestone, but it's really nothing when you take the whole website in consideration. The average successful channel would gain that many views in less than a second.

Monday, September 2, 2019

There was a recent Toluna poll which paid me 15 points, so I have 1,905 points there right now.

There was a Lifepoints poll offered to me but it had a glitch so it didn't pay me anything.

I will probably be able to cashout money from Faucethub after three or four months.

I think I get more views by posting only once a week, while I get more ad clicks by posting more frequently. I am not sure whether I should work towards getting more views or getting more ad clicks. It would be better for me to work towards getting more views since I would need to do less work, but it would mean I would get less ad income.

I checked my Youtube statistics and it says that I have around 36 percent less engagement than last year. Despite one video of mine getting 150 views recently, my channel is actually trending downward. But I guess that is natural for channels that have been around for 2+ years, unless the channel is really extremely spectacular.

Sunday, September 1, 2019

This blog got 22 more views recently. The views all came in at roughly the same time.

My main channel will reach 4,000 views after around 5 more views. I think my second channel is at 1889 views and it might reach 2,000 views after a few more months.

I received more emails, which I deleted.
I'm looking forward to receiving surveys from Ysense this month. I used to earn around 4 dollars a month on Clixsense so maybe I will receive similar earnings on Ysense.

I have around 628 points on Lifepoints right now. It's after many polls and disqualification points they gave.

I have 1,890 points on Toluna right now. I recently cashed out 21,000 points so I have 1000 points there again. They offered a poll so I earned another 15 points from that.

I might be able to cashout  from two more sites after two weeks.